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Thank you to all Corsair Group’s current and future partners, who participate in creating a Better World for everyone! is a company that is developing a new process for converting plastic waste into bio-oil. The process, called Corsair Catalysis, uses a catalyst to break down the plastic into its constituent molecules, which can then be used to make a variety of products, including fuel, plastics, and chemicals.

The Corsair Catalysis process has a number of advantages over traditional methods of plastic recycling. First, it is much more efficient. Traditional recycling methods can only recover about 10% of the plastic that is put into them. The Corsair Catalysis process, on the other hand, can recover up to 90% of the plastic.

Second, the Corsair Catalysis process produces no harmful emissions. Traditional recycling methods often produce harmful pollutants, such as dioxins and furans. The Corsair Catalysis process, on the other hand, is completely clean.

Third, the Corsair Catalysis process can be used to recycle a wider variety of plastics than traditional methods. Traditional recycling methods can only be used to recycle certain types of plastics, such as PET and HDPE. The Corsair Catalysis process, on the other hand, can be used to recycle all types of plastics, including mixed plastics and plastics that are contaminated with other materials. is currently in the process of commercializing its technology. The company has built a pilot plant in the Netherlands and is working to scale up the process for commercial use. believes that its technology has the potential to revolutionize the way that plastic waste is recycled. The company estimates that its process could reduce the amount of plastic waste in landfills by up to 80%.

The Corsair Catalysis process is a promising new technology that has the potential to make a significant impact on the problem of plastic pollution. The company is making good progress on commercializing its technology and is well-positioned to make a major contribution to the circular economy.

Here are some additional details about the Corsair Catalysis process:

  • The catalyst used in the process is a metal oxide that is specifically designed to break down the bonds in plastic molecules.
  • The process is carried out at a high temperature and pressure.
  • The bio-oil that is produced by the process can be used to make a variety of products, including fuel, plastics, and chemicals.
  • The Corsair Catalysis process is completely clean and does not produce any harmful emissions.
  • The process can be used to recycle all types of plastics, including mixed plastics and plastics that are contaminated with other materials. is a company to watch in the field of plastic recycling. The company has developed a promising new technology that has the potential to make a significant impact on the problem of plastic pollution. The company is well-positioned to make a major contribution to the circular economy.  Would you like to participate and earn money while cleaning up the planet, please get in touch.

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