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Plastic waste Movement

Be the solution not the pollution

The power waste movement

Thank you for being a part of my journey towards my mission. My mission is the plastic waste movement. Did you know that the biggest threat on earth, is the amount of plastic waste?

The amount in weight of plastic waste, laying and waiting to be removed, exceeds the weight of all the people on this planet.

Did you know that we eat 5 grams of plastic a week? That is eating every week the size of a plastic credit card. Everybody, without any exception, is responsible for this disaster. The time has come now, for everyone, also without any exception, to take responsibility and to help  cleaning this up.

2 years ago together with Corsairnow and Amplivo, we started the plastic waste movement, by transforming plastic waste, into bio oil and already 60.000 people and big companies, such as the Marriott, Michelin, lexus, Ford etc.. joined us.

For every kg plastic waste we collect and transform into bio oil, we give out 10 CSR plastic credits. CSR stands for Corporate social responsibility tokens, registered on the block chain. They can be traded on different exchanges or kept in your personal wallet.

So this is an invitation to join us. Now is the time to take action and full responsibility for your plastic waste footprint. You can join us as a supporter or you can make business out of it by beeing an influencer and spreading this wonderful initiative. We call it clean up the planet and make money.

My latest blogs about plastic waste movement.

Contact me to know more !