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As you already saw in my website, I worked also for the sheikh in Dubai for the Emirats group. I learned a lot and I am very grateful that I gained an experience that changed my life. I had to work in an international team with 80 different nationalities, in a country that was totaly new for me, Dubai. I can say that was a big challenge, not only for me, but also for my colleages. My boss the sheikh was a gamechainger in all aspects, such as his view on teamwork, and how it pays of, also personally. Underneath you will find a letter that discribes his gratitude, but first his busiess view on teamwork. Enjoy.

Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum is a strong believer in teamwork. He believes that teams are more effective than individuals in achieving goals, and he has created a culture of teamwork within the Emirates Group, the conglomerate of companies he chairs.

Sheikh Ahmed has several key principles that he believes are essential for effective teamwork. These include:

Sheikh Ahmed has created a number of initiatives to promote teamwork within the Emirates Group. These include:

Sheikh Ahmed’s commitment to teamwork has helped to create a successful and dynamic organization. The Emirates Group is now one of the world’s leading airlines and travel companies, and it is widely recognized for its innovative and customer-focused approach.

In addition to his work at the Emirates Group, Sheikh Ahmed has also promoted teamwork in other areas. He is a strong advocate for youth development, and he has supported a number of initiatives that promote teamwork among young people. He is also a patron of the Dubai Sports Council, which organizes a variety of sporting events that promote teamwork.

Sheikh Ahmed’s commitment to teamwork is an inspiration to others. He shows that teamwork is essential for success in any field.

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