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Who’s that girl

This girl is on fire.

WHo's that girl

Hello beautiful people

Mika H is the short and easiest version of my name. Many people can not pronounce my four-word name and for an outsider it is impossible to remember it anyway.

I am so grateful being able to feel the motion, to share and empower.
With an International economics degree in my pocket, this Dutch girl was on fire to discover the world, which I did. Again I am very grateful for the international opportunities, that also challenged me, in many ways. Rewarded with a lot of experience and knowledge, to overcome these challenges, I specialised myself amongst others, in the use of natural power. When I discovered that natural power made a difference for me and many other people, I became a delegate of Energetix and I still am. Why? This brand comforted already millions of people, all over the world.

My life changed in a split second, due to a major accident. After a year of recovery the verdict was..

My latest blogs:

Learn how to control
the natural Power

 ..that I would never recover fully and stay with a handicap including pain and a lot of frustrations, for the rest of my life. The good part is, that I had a lot of time to find out, what was the best for me, to minimize the pain, not only in my body, but also to find something to reduce the emotional and  financial pain, as I was losing money big time, due to my medical bills and not being able to work. On top of all that “Obese” was calling my name. So taking action was a must. I managed to turn the suffering into challenges and opportunities.

After a lot and long time off research, I started with healthy food in combination with the super natural power and a match was made in heaven. Isagenix and Energetix, are a perfect combination for your health and wealth.

Working with the best brands to supercharge myself and people from all over the world, feels like the cherry on the cake and meet the standards and requirements, also financially, for me and a lot of others.

By sharing the best of the best, I feel so privileged that I am able, to meet so many beautiful people, influencers, CEO’s, famous singers and actors, and yes really true, Princes and Princesses, Sheikhs, Queens and Kings. How cool is that. I personally received letters from a king and one letter of a sheikh.

All that resulted in something amazing. This girl, became a “Lady” and I am entitled to use this title.

Please learn, share and feel free to benefit from this platform, feel free to connect, together we can reach the next level!

Thank you so much. Enjoy.

MIKA H. “ The unstoppable lady ”.